Tuesday, November 15, 2005

So, What's this blog thing all about?

Everyone's got one, except me, until now that is.

So, what's it all about? I login, I post something that's on my mind. While you're reading it you're wondering, why am I reading this crap? Yet somehow, you find yourself reading, and reading, keep going, it's going to get better, oh wait, no, same old crap as every other blog. Don't try to understand my mind. That's impossible. Only try to realize the truth, I have no mind.

So this whole blogging thing is really just a way for me to be self-indulgent and feel some sense of worth. If people read my blog, I feel all warm and fuzzy. If not, I feel shame.

Pick a topic, any topic, and someone will have a blog about it.

So here we are, in the 21st Century, and everyone's blogging. You don't have one, you are so lame.

So enjoy, or not, my miscellaneous ramblings and brain farts. If you find something useful, shit, you're taking it too seriously.


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