Saturday, June 03, 2006

Gay Marriage ban would violate 9th Amendment

Bush is at it again. Making something out of nothing. In 2004 he made a big deal of an issue that has no relevance in political campaigning, Gay Marriages. With the mid-term elections in Senate and Congress coming up, he's at it again. What he is proposing is not only stupid, but it would be illegal. He wants a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages. He's trying to enact his religious views and homophobia as law. This is the very essence of discrimination and intolerance, two things that the Constitution is supposed to counter. The Constitution is inteded to protect rights, not take them away. It even says so in the 9th Amendment.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

What this translates too is that there are rights not specifically mentioned in the Bill of Rights but they do still exist and the government can not take them away. It doesn't matter how many people vote for such bans that are being proposed in many states. Mob rule is not enough to justify the oppression of a minority of people. It wasn't that long ago that some states had bans against inter-racial marriages but those were struck down. How is this any different? It's discrimination derived from intolerance and homophobia.

News Article at MyWay
News Article from CNN


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